This is not a fairytale. I learned that quite a few months ago. Naively, we went into this thinking "Oh! We want to have a baby now" and expected that it would happen because we wanted it to. And, for some that does work. Not for me - or many others like me. It's hard. It's emotional. It sometimes gets the best of you. So, after over a year of trying to conceive and a PCOS diagnosis, I find myself here - trying to believe.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Murder? Maybe! I think I'm more bummed about the dietary changes than my actual diagnosis. All yummy foods are out the window. Poop. This blows. Anyway! I am to start Metformin tonight, 500mg. If I tolerate that, I move up to 1000mg. I'm a specific diet. The doctor was great and made me a list of good and bad foods. So anyway, like I said, she has PCOS as do a few of her family members. She was SO AMAZING at my appointment today. She sat beside me and showed me my test results and everything. She also made a list and we talked in detail about good foods and bad foods and substitutes. And she Googled some foods to show me.


* Bread
* Potatoes
* Corn
* Sugar (duh)
* Rice
* Pasta
* Bananas
* Milk


* Lean Meats
* Veggies
* Fruits
* Eggs
* Nuts
* Cheese (no Cottage)

She also said go ahead with regular salad dressing, the fat free kind is worse for this. Something about what they use to thicken the fat-free kind

A great sub for mashed potatoes is mashed cauliflower. I tried this tonight and even DH liked it. Just boil it, put some butter, salt and pepper in it and mash it. I threw in some Mrs. Dash and a little shredded cheddar.

For pasta, you can use Spaghetti Squash.

She said Diet Sodas are ok, but I hate them so she recommended Crystal Light, which I guess I can deal with.

Another good tip is she said if an ingredient ends in -ose, it's most likely a no-go. (ex. dextrose) "-ose = gross"

The Metformin will make me lose weight..and so will this God-forsaken diet. I'll be adding a photo gallery and weekly weigh-in to the blog.

Stay tuned.



married_em said...

I was just recently diagnosed with PCOS as well, and put on metformin. I am glad I found your blog and will be following. Questions, did you doctor say anything about not having coffee, brown rice or using spenda? I am still trying to wrap my brain around this. Thanks in advance!

Ang said...

Hi! Splenda is fine. she even gave me a peanut butter cookie recipe with that (1 c. splenda, 1 c. PB, 1 egg). My doc told me no rice, none AT ALL. Idk if it's because we are hitting it hardcore or what. Coffee...I would think it's ok. I don't drink it but as long as you don't put sugar or milk it in, I think it's ok. Good luck to you!