This is not a fairytale. I learned that quite a few months ago. Naively, we went into this thinking "Oh! We want to have a baby now" and expected that it would happen because we wanted it to. And, for some that does work. Not for me - or many others like me. It's hard. It's emotional. It sometimes gets the best of you. So, after over a year of trying to conceive and a PCOS diagnosis, I find myself here - trying to believe.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I'm huge.

I really am. Sigh.

If I'm not pregnant, I need to make Jenny Craig my best friend, or something. It's pretty ridiculous. I almost threw a tantrum trying to get dressed to have lunch for our anniversary. My stomach is so noticeable :( I kept putting stuff on, taking it off and hanging it back up. Finally, I just got tired and left one of them on. I was scared someone was going to ask me when I'm due. That's how bad it is. When we were leaving the restaurant, Adam went to the car and I paid with the debit. There were 2 guys walking out in front of me. There are 2 doors, an inner door and an outer door, one held each for me. Jeez. This is stupid.


1 comment:

One Day at a Time said...

I'm sorry you feel huge :( But if it makes you feel any better, those guys were probably holding the door to be polite, not because they thought you were pregnant! At least, that's what they do in SC. Not sure where you're from...