This is not a fairytale. I learned that quite a few months ago. Naively, we went into this thinking "Oh! We want to have a baby now" and expected that it would happen because we wanted it to. And, for some that does work. Not for me - or many others like me. It's hard. It's emotional. It sometimes gets the best of you. So, after over a year of trying to conceive and a PCOS diagnosis, I find myself here - trying to believe.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Being Tested

The following story is irrelevant to TTC, but it's a good laugh at my expense.

So I've be preparing for dreading my psychology test for a few days. I put off studying until today. I was going to make sure I was up at 10am to start studying. Adam and I stayed up until after 3am watching old episodes of The Office. (Somehow I missed the middle seasons.) Anyway, somehow Adam the alarm didn't wake me up Adam and I didn't get up until noon. Mind you I don't even know what the test is about and it's at 5pm. Literally had not cracked the book. My stupid eyes are to blame. So I scrambled around and studied pretty good.
 I got there and almost broke my ankle walking in the front door. I found the classroom that I'd never been to. I was a good 20 minutes early and there were several people in the room. I sat down and no one had a book like mine. I was starting to get a bad feeling about this... Then the teacher started passing out the test. The top of it said Philosophy! I was wanting to shrink in size to a few inches tall and run unnoticed from the room. A girl across the room seemed to be looking at me since I sat down. She said "Are you in psychology? We're over on this side." Weird. Ok. So I go across the room. At this point, everything has gone wrong and I'm feeling really bad vibes about the test. She passed it out and I could breathe. I know I passed it - probably did really good. Thank God. I hobbled out to the car, stopped by Burger King and got ketchup on my favorite jeans. The End.


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