This is not a fairytale. I learned that quite a few months ago. Naively, we went into this thinking "Oh! We want to have a baby now" and expected that it would happen because we wanted it to. And, for some that does work. Not for me - or many others like me. It's hard. It's emotional. It sometimes gets the best of you. So, after over a year of trying to conceive and a PCOS diagnosis, I find myself here - trying to believe.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What to do with myself

Guess I'll have some free time now. You really don't realize how much time you spend obsessing about something until you stop. Last night I started a food blog. Which is kinda funny. I want to eat healthier and lose weight, but I may end up emotionally eating so either way - the food blog works lol.

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