This is not a fairytale. I learned that quite a few months ago. Naively, we went into this thinking "Oh! We want to have a baby now" and expected that it would happen because we wanted it to. And, for some that does work. Not for me - or many others like me. It's hard. It's emotional. It sometimes gets the best of you. So, after over a year of trying to conceive and a PCOS diagnosis, I find myself here - trying to believe.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Trip to Urgent Care

After 3 weeks of abdominal pain that comes and goes, I decided to finally go to the urgent care clinic. It was especially bad today. And every day when I wake up, I cramp before I even make it out of bed. Super weird. But I figured I should get it checked out in case I have some funky cyst(s) issue. It's like CD66 or something like that.

Well surprise, surprise. They found blood in my pee, which happens every single time I go to the doc. I told her that too. I'm doesn't hurt when I pee. They always try to write it off as a uti. But then she asked me a magical question "Have you ever had an ultrasound done?" I could have squealed...but they might have taken me over to the mental ward. I told her not in a looooong time, and when I did they found a 5cm cyst. So *hallelujah chorus* she ordered a u/s. She wants pelvic and bladder looked at. I call Monday to schedule. Oh, I still got an Rx for my 'uti'. And take tylenol, and drink plenty of fluids in the meantime.


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