This is not a fairytale. I learned that quite a few months ago. Naively, we went into this thinking "Oh! We want to have a baby now" and expected that it would happen because we wanted it to. And, for some that does work. Not for me - or many others like me. It's hard. It's emotional. It sometimes gets the best of you. So, after over a year of trying to conceive and a PCOS diagnosis, I find myself here - trying to believe.

Thursday, April 28, 2011 really

So, it's flooding here. I think I've mentioned my town is on the banks of the Mississippi. We have been having storms non-stop and now it's flooding. Here is the latest info I have and a pic.

Posting from a friend who was at the City Council meeting - Caruthersville has declared a State of Emergency, the ONLY thing this really means to us right now is that there is a curfew on the Seawall and Levees, if you are caught there after 6 in your vehicle or on foot it is $500 fine and 90 days in jail. There is NO MANDATORY evacuation right now. The City has a working plan in place but the Mayor says now is the time to make sure your fam and possessions are taken care of. Be ready and have a family plan bc if it goes over 48 and there is an evacuation then you will have to leave immediately. Signs around the community as well as local radio stations will keep you updated with the river stages. Listen to your news sources for accurate info. The Mayor stresses to make sure all of your info is correct before you pass anything along. We do not need any incorrect information putting fear in anyone. At current predictions of 48 on May 7th, the wall should hold BUT you need to be ready just in case. They are doing their part, you should be doing yours to take care of your family. Make plans for where you will go and what you will do with your possessions and how you will secure your property. Our officials are doing all that they can to take care of the City, if is our job to take care of our families now instead of waiting until it is to late. In all hopes your preparations will be for nothing. But better a waste than a wish of what you should have done. No word on school yet but should know something soon. The Mayor says ready yourself and pray.

This is a park at the riverfront. If you look on the right you can see a street sign. There are several park benches also that are completely submerged.


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