I really hate that I'm getting older and the main reason isn't gray hair or wrinkles...it's that I feel like I spend 75% of my time in the bathroom, thinking about going to the bathroom, or finding a bathroom when I'm not home. Gah, I remember when I was a kid I didn't have to pee for like an hour or two after I woke up. My grandma was amazed by this - I just thought she was weird. Now, I wake up, feel the pain of my full bladder, mentally get it under control and make a mad dash for the potty. /sigh My favorite thing is to be sitting in my recliner, underneath my laptop with 10 million things hooked to it, a dog beside me and have to freaking pee! UGH!! It's just so annoying. So I guess that's my blog today - pee.....
our blogs are usually about pee.. getting old, poas, ips.....
hehe touche
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