I only half-heartedly TTCed this month. With good reason I assure you. We have been really struggling financially - REALLY struggling. Here's the story:
Back in July, we moved in with MIL and FIL, because she asked us to. FIL is terminal and wheelchair bound, having extra people here ensures that he has someone here at least most of the time. He can do most things for himself, it's his overall physical condition that is worrisome. Anyway, in August I was due back to school and DH was working. We were buying a truck that was in his brother's name. Originally, BIL came to us because he had 2 vehicles and he could not afford them both. We took the car, and after a year he wanted to trade...and well DH wanted a truck so we did. My second week of school, we were at home one night and noticed a vehicle outside. It was a towtruck. Uh huh. BIL screwed us over. Towtruck Guy says it's $1400 behind. And it was behind $1400 before he traded us. He knowingly did that. I'm still super mad. So now we have no car at all.
Not long after that, DH is contacted by the local Warmart and is offered a supervisory job. He was the assistant manager at Sonic at the time. We talked it over and felt that Walmart had more advancement opportunities and he took the job. So, on his first night to work for Walmart, he shows up and the told him he can't work there, something about his application. Well, according to the manager his "application wasn't correct". I am thinking his Sonic boss had something to do with that. Oh and the reason I think that is because right before DH took the Walmart job, his boss had him working with some new guy and then after DH left some coworkers told him that the boss was leaving and the new guys was going to be manager. That was supposed to be DH. He devoted 10 freaking years to that place, and was promised it by his boss. So, yeah I think he did it. Who can trust him? OK so now, no car and no income. GREAT. Well, I do still have my photography but it's not steady. Ok, so yeah it's been crazy. I decided not to take my Metformin this cycle. We couldn't afford to splurge on extra food and TTC supplies. And if we can't afford that...we have no business TTC.
I'm happy to report DH just started a new job, and the best part is...it's a block away! This makes me sooooo happy. It's hard to find a job where we live unless you travel...and well, it's kind of hard without a car. So, I'm hoping to be fully back in the TTC game in January! C'mon BFP :)
. key chain .
Anne thinks I should give them a keychain for Christmas...makes sense since THEY have a car lol
I'm sorry! I hope everything gets better soon and you can whole-heartedly ttc! Good luck!
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